List of Universities in Slovenia

List of Universities in Slovenia :

1University of Ljubljana
2University of Maribor
3University of Primorska
4University of Nova Gorica
5Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Ljubljana
6Faculty of Information Studies in Novo Mesto
7Bled School of Management
8Faculty of Management Koper
9Euro-Mediterranean University Portorož
10School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica
11Alma Mater Europaea (European Study Center Maribor
13GEA College of Entrepreneurship Piran
14International School for Social and Business Studies Celje
15Faculty of Tourism Studies Portorož Turistica
16New University
17Faculty of Organisation Studies in Novo Mesto
18Faculty of Health Care Angele Boskin
19Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences Celje
20Catholic Institute Faculty of Business Studies
21Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Maribor
23University of Novo Mesto
24DOBA Faculty of Applied Business and Social Studies Maribor
25Faculty of Design
26Graduate School of Humanities
27Institute and Academy of Multimedia IAM
28College of Services Ljubljana
29Environmental Protection College Velenje
30Faculty of Health and Social Sciences Slovenj Gradec
31Jána Albrech Music and Art Academy
32 Fakulteto za psihoterapevtsko znanost Univerze Sigmunda Freuda v Ljubljani
33Faculty of Media Ljubljana
34MLC Fakulteta Ljubljana
35B2 College of Business Sciences
36Health College in Celje
37Faculty for Polymer Technology
38Faculty of Industrial Engineering Novo Mesto
39College of Accounting Ljubljana
40IBS International Business School
41College of Visual Arts Ljubljana Arthouse
42Academy of Visual Arts Ljubljana
43College of Manufacturing Engineering
44Higher School of Economy Celje
45Ekonomska šola Novo mesto
46Fizioterapevtika Higher Education Institution
47High Schools for Hotel and Tourism Bled
48Ravne College
49Landscape Governance College Grm Novo Mesto
List of Universities in Slovenia

See More University
