List of all Universities in Lesotho

List of all Universities in Lesotho :
1 | National University of Lesotho | Address : P.O Roma 180, Maseru, Lesotho. +266 2234 0601, +266 5221 3000 [email protected] |
2 | Lesotho College of Education | Address : Maseru, Lesotho |
Lesotho Education :
Lesotho has one of the highest literacy rates in the African continent, with more educated women than men. And in Lesotho, 12% of their country’s GDP is spent on education. Lesotho has a higher female literacy rate than other countries.
According to a study by the Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality, “reading for money” grade 6th graders can be read here before or after.
Very few Lesotho residents have access to the Internet, and they strive for healthcare, travel, and educational resources, along with their literacy. Econet Telecom Lesotho has expanded email in the country and education is playing an important role in information and expanding international communication. The US Peace Corps is working with Lesotho and the District of Booth Booth to establish an African library.
Lesotho has three types of primary education, first level, extended over a period of more than seven years, and basic education system and basic education. The main goals of the Basic Education Cycle were set out in 1988 by the Lesotho government. Basic education is included in the primary curriculum as basic education carries special importance for dealing with life in children. In addition to education, children are given knowledge about external education such as environment, nutrition and health, and civic education. The entrance to the secondary school is determined with the examination certificate of the primary school. 2 levels in secondary school. Three years junior secondary and two years higher secondary. The third and highest level is post-secondary. In addition to higher education institutions, there are vocational and technical where students are provided with international standard technical and modern knowledge.
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