List of Universities in Israel

List of Universities in Israel :
1 | Tel Aviv University | Address : Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel |
2 | Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Address : Mount Scopus Campus, Jerusalem 9190501 Kiryat Edmond Y. Safra, Givat Ram, Jerusalem 9190401 Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center, Jerusalem 9112001 Rehovot Campus, PO Box 12, 7612001 streets |
3 | Technion Israel Institute of Technology | Address : Ullman Building, Technion Campus, Haifa 3200003 077-8875555 |
4 | Weizmann Institute of Science | Address : Weizmann Institute of Science 234 Herzl St. PO Box 26 Rehovot 7610001 Israel CAMPUS SERVICE CENTER +972-8-934-9106 [email protected] |
5 | Ben Gurion University of the Negev | Address : PBX: 08-6461111 PO Box 653 Beer Sheva 8410501 Ben-Gurion University of Eilat 08-6304518 |
6 | Bar Ilan University | Address : Anna and Max Webb, Ramat Gan 5290002 Phone: 9392 * or 03-5317000 WhatsApp: 052-6171988 |
7 | University of Haifa | Address : 99 Abba Hushi Blvd. Mount Carmel, Haifa Zip code: 3498838 Phone: 04-8240111 |
8 | Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya | Address : 09-9527272 09-9567392 Reichman University 8 University Street PO Box 167 Herzliya, 4610101 Israel [email protected] 054-7318396 |
9 | Ariel University | Address : Ramat HaGolan St 65, Ari’el 1800-660-660 |
10 | Open University of Israel | Address : 09-7782222 or * 3500 University Road 1, PO Box 808, Raanana 4353701 |
11 | Academic College of Tel Aviv Yaffo | Address : Tel: 03-6803344 | Fax: 03-6803342 | [email protected] | Address: Weston Building (Building # 2) Ground floor [email protected] Tel: 03-6803331 | Fax: 03-6803324 | Email: [email protected] Tel: 6086 * | [email protected] |
12 | Holon Institute of Technology | Address : Rubinstein Building (3), third floor [email protected] Tel/Fax: 972-3-5026501 |
13 | Jerusalem College of Technology | Address : National Committee 21, Givat Mordechai, Jerusalem PBX: 02-6751111 Campus Tel: 02-6547222 Information and registration: 3239 * Development of resources and external relations: 02-6751269 |
14 | Ruppin Academic Center | Address : Emek Hefer 4025000, Israel 1-800-800-830 |
15 | ORT Braude College | Address : ORT Braude College of Engineering Snunit 51 st. Carmiel 216100 Israel [email protected] |
16 | College of Management | Address : Elie Wiesel St 2, Rishon LeTsiyon, Israel |
17 | Sapir College | Address : Road 232 M.A. Negev Gate, 7956000 Israel |
18 | Beit Berl College | Address : Beit Berl Post Office, 4490500, Beit Berl, Kfar Saba, 4490500, Israel |
19 | Wingate Institute | Address : Wingate Institute, National Institute Netanya, Israel 3063 |
20 | Netanya Academic College | Address : Email: [email protected] Main phone: 09-8607777 Fax: 09-8844439 Address: Netanya Academic College, 1 University St., Netanya Zip Code. 4223587 |
List of Universities in Israel | ||
21 | Shenkar School of Engineering & Design | Address : Shenkar – Engineering. Design. art. Anne Frank 12 Ramat Gan Tel 03-6110000 |
22 | Sami Shamoon College of Engineering | Address : 1-800-207-777 [email protected] Campuses 56 Bialik St., Beer Sheva 84 Jabotinsky St., Ashdod |
23 | Western Galilee College | Address: Through the Colleges, Acre Contact Phone 04-9015100 Mailing address: PO Box 2125, Acre Zip Code 2412101 |
24 | Emek Yezreel College | Address: Emek Yezreel College |
25 | Ashkelon Academic College | Address: Ashkelon Academic College, 12 Ben Zvi St., 78211 Ashkelon Dial: 9990 |
26 | Oranim Academic College | Address: Oranim, Tivon Academic College of Education 1800-30-10-80 050-9838885 |
27 | Mofet Institute | Address: Education Campus, Shoshana Pershitz 15, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel |
28 | Bezalel Academy of Art and Design Jerusalem | Address: Telephone: 02-5893333 Fax: 02-5823094 [email protected] |
29 | Tel Hai Academic College | Address: Upper Galilee, 9977, Qiryat Shemona, 1220800, Israel 04-8181855 |
30 | Ono Academic College | Address: Tzahal St 104, Kiryat Ono, Israel contact 03-7207150 |
31 | AFEKA Tel Aviv College of Engineering | Address: Mivtsa Kadesh St 38, Tel Aviv-Yafo, 6910717, Israel Research and Development Coordinator – Research Authority, Orit Berger: [email protected] |
32 | Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee | Address: phone: 04-6653700 1-800-20-90-20 Mail: [email protected] |
33 | Galillee College | Address: P.O. Box 208, Nahalal, 1060000, Israel Phone: Int’l ( 972 ) – 4 – 642 8888 Fax: Int’l ( 972 ) – 4 – 651 4811 [email protected] |
34 | Jerusalem College of Engineering | Address: Phone: 9087 Fax: 02-6588001 Email: [email protected] Address: Yaakov Shreibom 26, Jerusalem |
35 | Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance | Address: Givat Ram Campus, Jerusalem, 9190401, Israel |
36 | David Yellin Academic College of Education | Address: Ma’agal Beit HaMidrash St 7, Jerusalem information 02-6558111 |
37 | Academic Center for Business Law | Address: Academic Center , Israel |
38 | Jerusalem University College | Address: 3 Aravnah HaYevosi P.O. Box 1276, Mt. Zion 9101202 Jerusalem, Israel Inside Israel: 02-671-8628 Outside Israel: +972 2-671-8628 |
39 | Sha’arei Mishpat College | Address: Universities in Israel Margo’a St 5, Hod Hasharon, 4510201, Israel |
40 | Hadassah Academic College | Address: 37 Haneviim Street, PO Box 1114, Jerusalem 910100 |
41 | Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies | Address: 4 Avraham Granot St., PO Box 16080, Jerusalem 9116002 | Tel: 074-7800600 | Fax: 02-6790840 |
42 | Peres Academic Center | Address: Shimon Peres St 10, Rehovot, Israel |
43 | Carmel Academic Center | Address: Sha’ar Palmer St 4, Haifa, Israel |
44 | ORT Braude College of Engineering | Address: Swallow 51 PO Box 113, Karmiel, 2161002, Israel |
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