List of Universities in Sao Tome and Principe
List of Universities in Sao Tome and Principe

Sao Tome and Principe Education :
The number of Sao Tome and Principe primary schools is very low and the enrollment of educational institutions in the country is comparatively low and the attendance rate in 2001 is very high as expected. Education has been made compulsory in Sao Tome and Principe. Although primary education has been made compulsory, there is a dearth of teachers and teaching materials and a lack of infrastructure. There are inadequate planning and management aspects that can be noticed. The school lacks funding and a lack of internal management structure and so the country is often dependent on foreign funding.
The Sao Tome and Principe government did not prioritize the education sector in its budget plans because it did not budget for compulsory education at the primary level. And its impact has been felt through classrooms and various teaching aids. And teachers pay less and teachers to pay less so they get less skill. The country is also less prone to secondary level admissions and the opportunities and qualifications of teachers are less noticeable. That is why the education system of this country is not possible without foreign grants and is dependent on foreign aid.
Earlier there was no age for primary education but now primary education has been made free so that parents can provide education to their children at low cost and primary education has been restricted to children up to six years. After passing primary school, students have to study in secondary school and students have to take a 6-year course to conduct this secondary program. Then the secondary school has to be up. After graduating from secondary school, one has to be admitted in the bachelor’s degree.
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