List of Universities in Micronesia :
1 | College of Micronesia FSM | College of Micronesia-FSM P.O. Box 159 Kolonia Pohnpei, FM 96941 Phone: (691)320-2480 Fax: (691)320-2479 E-Mail: [email protected] |
Universities in Micronesia
Micronesia is a diverse collection of islands, atolls, and archipelagos that offer an unparalleled mix of unique cultures, incredible natural beauty, and immense adventure opportunities. While most of these islands are located in the tropical climates of the northern Pacific Ocean, they exemplify the stunning beaches and serene mountain views of the region. As part of the world’s largest coral reef system, each island offers a variety of marine life to explore and experience, from dolphins to vibrant coral reefs waiting to be discovered.
From reef diving off Chub Island to visiting ancient historical sites on Yap or surfing legendary breaks around Truk Lagoon – Micronesia is an adventurous paradise for water sports enthusiasts; whether it be swimming with friendly mantas off Kosrae, exploring vast empty lagoons around Satawal or observing pods of pilot whales breaching off Papua New Guinea’s Aleipata Shoals– there’s no better place to experience incredible aquatic adventures than in Micronesia!
- Hosts over 2000 small mountainous Islands in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean
- Incredible Natural Beauty
- Unique cultural Perspectives
- Largest Coral Reef System
- Spectacular beaches and serene mountain views
Benefits: - Opportunity For Unparalleled Adventures both On Land And In The Water
- Futuristic Treat By Exploring Ancient Historical Sites
- Fun In The Sun With Swimming With Dolphins, Snorkeling With Manta Rays And Surfing Legendary Breaks.
- Possibility Of Discovering Unique Species That Are Found Nowhere Else In The World.

College of Micronesia FSM
College of Micronesia-FSM is the oldest and most widely recognized higher education institution in FSM. With excellent faculty, staff, and community partners’ support, COM-FSM campus provides associate and certificate programs to not only Micronesian citizens but also students from other nations across the Pacific. The college upholds its commitment to meeting the educational needs of diverse learners by providing academic programs, supporting services and developmental courses.
- Accepts transfer credits from US universities
- Career guidance support for every student
- Onsite library with access to online research databases
- Dormitories with wifi connection
Benefits: - A comprehensive approach to education that connects knowledge with life skills outside classrooms Through National Resources Management curriculum all students will be able to develop professional network inside their chosen field of study
- Students have access to hands on career trainings which offers job placements in their chosen field after graduation
- Accessible Student health services such as free counseling sessions provided by experienced psychotherapists
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