Universities in Netherlands

List of Universities in Netherlands :

1Utrecht University
2University of Amsterdam
3University of Groningen
4VU University of Amsterdam
5Delft University of Technology TU Delft
6Wageningen University & Research Centre
7Erasmus University of Rotterdam
8Eindhoven University of Technology
9Radboud University
10University of Twente
11Maastricht University
12Leiden University
13Tilburg University
14Open University
15IHE Delft Institute for Water Education
16Hogeschool van Amsterdam HvA
17Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen HAN
18Hanze University Groningen
19Hogeschool Utrecht (Hogeschool Domstad)
20Zuyd Hogeschool
21 Hogeschool Saxion
22Breda University of Applied Sciences
23Tinbergen Institute
24Hogeschool Rotterdam
25De Haagse Hogeschool
26Hogeschool Inholland
27NHL Stenden Hogeschool
28Utrecht School of the Arts
29Rotterdam School of Management RSM Erasmus University
30Windesheim University of Applied Sciences
31Hogeschool Leiden (Hogeschool Helicon)
32Fontys University of Applied Sciences
33Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation University of Twente
34Hogeschool Zeeland
35Nyenrode Business University
36Maastricht School of Management
37Windesheim University of Professional Education
38University for Humanistics
39CAE Oxford Aviation Academy (CAE Global Academy Amsterdam Flight School)
40Academic Centre for Dentistry
41HAS University of Applied Sciences
42Hotelschool The Hague
43Amsterdam School of the Arts
44Avans University of Professional Education
45ArtEZ Hogeschool voor de Kunsten
46Gerrit Rietveld Academie
47Design Academy Eindhoven
48Wittenborg Business University
49Royal Academy of Art The Hague
50Royal Academy of Music and Dance
51Rotterdams Conservatorium
52TIAS School for Business and Society
53Van Hall Larenstein
54NTI Distance Education
55Protestant Theological University
56Ede Christian University of Professional Education
57Sandberg Institute
58ROC van Twente
59HAS Hogeschool
60Royal Academy of Visual Arts
61TIO University of Aplied Sciences Tourism Professional Education
62Aeres Hogeschool
63Business School Netherlands
64Christian Institute for Higher Professional Education de Driestar
65Erasmus University Rotterdam Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies
66ROC Aventus
67Johan Cruyff Institute
68VIAA Zwolle (Gereformeerde Hogeschool Zwolle)
69 Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein
70University College Roosevelt (Roosevelt Academy Middelburg)
71THIM hogeschool voor fysiotherapie
72Iselinge Hogeschool
73Kampen Theological University
74Webster University Leiden
75Dirksen University of Professional Education
76Hotelschool Maastricht
77University of Professional Education Schoevers
78Catholic University of Professional Education Zwolle
79Pro Education Hogeschool Van Amsterdam
80Theologische Universiteit Apeldoorn
81Eurocollege Hogeschool
82Notenboom Business School
83TMO Hogeschool voor Modemanagement
84Islamic University of Rotterdam
85Instituut voor Autobranche en Management Driebergen
86Marnix Academy
87Hogeschool de Kempel
88TSM Business School
89IPABO Amsterdam
90UP Learning (STOAS Agricultural University of Professional Education)
91Universiteit van Amsterdam Department of Media Studies
92University of Professional Education in Midwifery
93KLM Flight Academy
94ITV Hogeschool
95DOC University of Professional Education
96Network University
97NOVI Hogeschool
98Driestar Hogeschool
99Aeres Training Centre International
100Tyndale Theological Seminary
Universities in Netherlands

List of Universities in Netherlands :

101Vrije Hogeschool Bernard Lievegoed College For Liberal Arts
102European Pilot Selection and Training
103Instituut Voor Psychosynthese
104Graduate School VLAG Advanced Studies in Food Technology Agrobiotechnology Nutrition and Health Sciences
105Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology
106De Wittenberg Hogeschool en Toerustingscentrum
107Erasmus University Rotterdam Center for Maritime Economics and Logistics
108EuroPort Business School
109Netherlands Graduate Research School of Science Technology and Modern Culture
110HBO Bedrijfskunde
111C T de Wit Graduate School for Production Ecology & Resource Conservation
112Major Seminary Rolduc
113Casimir Research School
114New School for Information Services
115Cornerstone Bible College
116Bible School Foundation for Life
117Foundation Academy of Amsterdam
118Graduate School Experimental Plant Sciences Wageningen
119Interuniversity Graduate School of Psychometrics and Sociometrics
120Schumann Academie University of Professional Education
121J M Burgerscentrum Research School for Fluid Mechanics
122Hogeschool voor Pedagogisch en Sociaal Agogisch Onderwijs SPO Groningen
123Bourdon Hogeschool voor Muziek
124Holland Research School of Molecular Chemistry
125National Dutch Graduate School of Polymer Science & Technology
126hbo A&A Hogeschool voor de Accountancy
127Netherlands School of Primary Care Research
128Euritmie Academie Den Haag
129Utrecht University Infection & Immunity Center
130Cancer Stem cells & Developmental Biology Research School
132Universiteit Doesburg

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